Dienstag, September 23, 2008

Cous Cous Fest in San Vito lo Capo 23.-28.September 2008

.. Cous Cous Fest: Das internationale Kuskus-Festival
Sizilien erleben und entdecken

Seit 1998 wird jedes Jahr im September in San Vito Lo Capo das internationale Kuskusfestival veranstaltet. Hier treffen sich zahlreiche internationale Köche und Liebhaber dieser Speise.
Was ist der Kuskus – Kuskus oder Cous Cous ist ein Grundnahrungsmittel der nordafrikanischen Küche. In Sizilien wurde er von den Arabern importiert. Er wird aus befeuchtetem und zu Kügelchen zerriebenem Grieß von Weizen (Hartweizengrieß), Gerste oder Hirse hergestellt. Auf Sizilien wird Kuskus meistens mit Fisch angerichtet.

Il Cous Cousl Fest 2008 di San Vito Lo Capo (TP) quest’anno si terrà dal 23 al 28 settembre. “Delegazioni di chef provenienti da tutto il mondo si sfideranno nell’amichevole XI International Cous Cous Competition. Ad una giuria di esperti, affiancata per la prima volta da una giuria popolare, l’arduo compito di designare il Miglior Cous Cous 2008.” Per fare parte della giuria popolare bisogna inviare la richiesta con il form apposito disponibile sul sito ufficiale a questo link.
Il programma, in fase di definizione, sarà a breve disponibile al seguente indirizzo www.couscousfest.it/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5&Itemid=27
Biglietto per le degustazioni pubbliche di cous cous:Il biglietto ha un costo di € 10,00 e può essere acquistato (fino ad esaurimento) a San Vito Lo Capo, dal 23 al 28 settembre, presso:
stand della Pro Loco - dalle ore 11.00 alle 23.00Via Savoia (altezza Via Flores)
biglietterie - dalle ore 12.00 alle 23.00Via Savoia (angolo Via R. Margherita), Piazza Santuario, Via R. Margherita (angolo Via Abruzzi), Via R. Margherita (angolo Via Arimondi).
Non è prevista prevendita.Il biglietto non è rimborsabile anche se solo parzialmente utilizzato.
Il biglietto è composto da due tagliandi.Il primo tagliando dà diritto auna porzione di cous cous di circa g. 200 (a scelta tra carne, pesce o verdure), e un bicchiere di vino, bianco o rosso, da 200 ml. circa.Il cous cous (fino ad esaurimento scorte) potrà essere degustato dalle ore 12.00 alle 24.00, presso le Case del Cous Cous del Villaggio gastronomico. Il secondo tagliando dà diritto a due dolci mignon a scelta ed un bicchiere di vino da dessert da 50 ml. circa, serviti dalle ore 12.00 alle 24.00, presso gli stand Dolcemente Sicilia.

Cous Cous FestThe Arab culinary influence in Sicily may not be so apparent at first glance, but this is not the case for cous cous. Along with rice and pasta, cous cous is one of the world's staple foods. It is from Morocco, of Berber origin, and consists of spherical granules which are made by rolling and shaping moistened semolina wheat, and then coating them with finely ground wheat flour. Traditional couscous requires considerable preparation time and is usually steamed (Wikipedia.org). Cous cous is a communal meal, that comes served from a large round platter.

Another variety of cous cous, Israeli cous cous, or by its Arabic name, maftoul, is larger--almost pearl-size--nuttier-tasting than its familiar Moroccan counterpart.There is no better time or place to find out more about this pasta than the annual Cous Cous Fest in San Vito Lo Capo in the province of Trapani in September. The full title of the events is 'The International Mediterranean Culture, Food and Wine Festival'.
From the delightful brochure the organisers state: 'A blend of histories and cultures, cous cous is a ritual that brings four continents together. Peoples of completely different origins, not only geographically speaking, come together in San Vito Lo Capo overcoming diversity and welcoming their differences '. In fact, there will be chefs from Algeria, Brazil, the Ivory Coast, Eritrea, Ethiopia, France, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Mauritania, Palestine, Senegal, Tunisia and Turkey all competing for the 'Best Cous Cous' award.Cous Cous is therefore a truly universal food and is known in other languages and dialects as 'maftoul', 'kseksou', 'cuscus', 'cuscussu', 'cascasa', 'sekso', 'kskso', 'kuskus', 'kuski', 'burgul', 'tabouleh' and 'bran'.
The ancient fishing village of San Vito Lo Capo, located between the Gulf of Castellammare and the city of Trapani on the northern coast of Sicily, hosts an annual Cous Cous Festival each September. Dedicated to exploring the culinary and cultural aspects of the tasty Mediterranean dish, the festival celebrates the cultural legacy of the Arabic peoples who ruled Sicily for more than 150 years.San Vito Lo Capo's Cous Cous Festival's principal event is a cous cous cook-off with the best cous cous Chefs from Israel, Morocco, Egypt, France, Algeria, Tunisia and Italy participating to determine who indeed is the cappo of cous cous (the best chef) in the Mediterranean.The festival also includes four evenings of music, featuring free performances by Sicilian and African World Music artists Sudd MM-Anita Vitale, Roy Paci & Aretuska , Dam, Khaled, Agricantus, and Sasao Meravigliao in the Piazza Santuario in the heart of the ancient town.